Exercises ‘a boon’

Any cancer diagnosis is a major challenge. While waiting for treatment we can improve our readiness by getting fitter. Any improvement speeds recovery. Recovery after treatment is both psychological and physical. Exercise helps both. When it takes place in a friendly group of people each facing their own cancer journeys the benefits multiply. For me, the Energise programme has been one of the best things I have done to help my recovery. It is a personalised exercise programme designed by specialists for you. It starts from where you are. You do not need to be a fitness fanatic or have any previous experience. It really is designed for helping you to start from your level of fitness – or unfitness – and support you through whatever challenges you face. I attend the classes at Everyone Active Stadium, Clevedon, where more people will be very welcome. There are also classes in Bristol. Tim Bond, chairman.  Apply here. More info available from Alistair MacFarlane at alistairmacfarlane@everyoneactive.com