Category Archives: Front Page Left Column

Improving care

CANCERTALK podcasts explore the potential of Integrative Medicine to improve cancer patientsā€™ lives. It involves a broad, holistic approach to cancer care Hear podcast here. And here there’s an item discussing if cycling can damage the prostate and what men can do to protect themselves:

Dye breakthrough

A special type of fluorescent dye might help surgeons better locate and remove PCa cells. See here

Cheaper scans

Cheaper, quicker prostate cancer scans just as accurate ā€˜and can help more menā€™. More

Stopping cancer cells

This method forces tumour cells into a sleep-like state, say Dundee University researchers. See here

New treatment hope

A German university medical faculty has developed an active substance that might in future represent a new treatment option. Known as KMI169, it targets an enzyme that plays an important role in the development of PCa. More here

13 new test centres

The government has announced 13 new diagnostic centres, enabling the NHS to perform nearly 750,000 more PCa tests and checks each year, says Prostate Cancer Research (Dec ā€™23).

HIFU starts in West

RUH Bath is the first hospital in the West to use non-invasive PCa treatment. Newly-diagnosed men in the region who think they may be eligible for the treatment can speak to their clinician about referral. See here

Treatment ‘breakthrough’

Resistance to normal treatment for advanced PCa may be reversed in some men by stopping white blood cells from being ā€œhijackedā€ and pulled into tumours, say London researchers. More here

Help for helpers

A new research project from Europa Uomo, EU-PROPER, will attempt to capture the experiences of those closest to men with PCa, identify the issues affecting them, and set an agenda for action to support them. Enter here

MRI scans: an improvement

A new study has found magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans used as a screening test improve PCa diagnosis. More here. And here