Category Archives: News

Models help understanding

Adam,Rouilly was delighted to provide male pelvis and genital organ models to Prospect to use at awareness-raising events across the area and in group sessions for men with prostate cancer. The SOOMSO MO17 Median Section of the Male Pelvis, and MO15 Model of the Male Genital Organs effectively demonstrate where the prostate is and its […]


Free help with food/diet Struggling with any aspect of eating while going through cancer?  The World Cancer Research Fund Cancer and Nutrition Helpline is now free to call. Can’t find anything to eat that doesn’t make you feel sick? Worried about how different food will interact with your medicine? Or maybe you’ve seen something about […]


New screening trial Prostate Cancer UK is launching a £42m research programme – the TRANSFORM trial – to find the best way to screen men for PCa, so one day all men at risk are invited for regular tests to find aggressive cancers in time for a cure. More here

Ex-MP on PCa screening

Sir Liam Fox, ex-MP, has written to a Prospect member about PCa and his message is here. And this article says EU screening ‘not fit for purpose’

Making hormone therapy work longer

Researchers find new approaches to hormone therapy to keep it working for longer. More here

Cancer language ‘must change’

Let King Charles’s illness finally change how we speak about cancer: it’s not about ‘winning’ or ‘losing’ a ‘war’, writes Simon Jenkins in the Guardian. As someone treated for bowel cancer, he thinks attitudes must change but also the language. Some of it is tactless, some ridiculous. More here

Sex and PCa

How to keep your prostate healthy? Have more sex. See more here

Memorial moved

The PCa memorial has moved to the main concourse at King’s Cross Station, London, and will stay until September 27. To add a name to the memorial see here

Wellbeing hub launched

Prostate Cancer UK have created this wellbeing hub to help support you in looking after your emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. More here. And Prostate Cancer Research has more advice on that here

Diabetes drug finding

The diabetes drug metformin could prevent the progression of PCa but only for some tumours which are more likely to develop into aggressive cancers. More here